Crayon Pop to comeback in April

Article: [Exclusive] Crayon Pop's 'April comeback'... 'helmets to come off', first album to be released

Source: Star News via naver

1. [+1,611, -108] I wonder if they'll use any other props like for the firefighter project ㅋㅋ

2. [+1,112, -128] Please don't go for a sexy concept

3. [+882 ,-240] Was really surprised to see Soyul wrestle with that tiny body. She works so hard at everything.

4. [+209, -24] Yes, just take off your helmets, nothing else

5. [+202, -40] As a Crayon Pop, I really hope they don't try to find success in stripping like AV stars and just show off their characteristic charms... Cute yet comedic.. I've been a fan since Dancing Queen and love the group for having a concept their own.

6. [+179, -37] You guys are better... I hate kids like AV models.

7. [+179, -45] My children go crazy when I turn on bar Bar Bar ^^ jjang popularity with kids! Crayon Pop, fighting~

8. [+146, -20] Among idols, everyone's singing skills are around the same anyway, which makes them reliant on dancing and looks. Instead of acting like they have vocal talent when they don't, I'd rather groups like Crayon Pop just find a concept their own and run with it. Idol songs will all be forgotten in 6 months anyway, why make such a fuss over vocal talent and whatnot.
