Inkigayo: Gain, TVXQ

Article: 'Music Bank' Gain, sensual yet devious... 'charming eye smile'

Source: Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+49, -17] Does our country really not have any sexy stars? Since when did she become our sex symbol;;

2. [+35, -15] Not feeling the song..;;;;

3. [+28, -11] The song's below average;;


Article: TVXQ wins #1 on 'Music Bank' in three weeks

Mydaily via Naver

1. [+2,763, -537] Definitely TVXQ

2. [+1,874, -371] A reversal!!!! TVXQ daebak!!!

3. [+1,780, -360] Congrats on the #1~~~♥


Article: SPICA nominated for their first #1 on 'Inkigayo'... 'tears of joy'

: Star news via Naver

1. [+3,465, -199] Sad to see them cry over even being nominated ㅠㅠ I really want them to win #1 once

2. [+2,595, -190] Since it's their first nomination, I really hope they have a chance soon ㅎ

3. [+2,311, -123] Difficult for idols these days to get popular since there are just so many... I'm not a SPICA fan but I can feel their hard work through the fact that they're even crying over being nominated.. Find strength~
