Idol songs disappear off the February digital charts

Article: "Idols have disappeared?" What happened to the February chart?... Movie and drama OSTs take charge

Source: Kuki News via Nate

1. [+674, -21] Not only that, but the big name artists haven't had their comebacks yet. The only singers out right now are kids who strip and act like they're trendy.

2. [+478, -28] Let It Go is daebak

3. [+208, -10] I see

4. [+31, -9] Is the idol trend finally dying down after eight years... finally!!

5. [+24, -10] Shows how tired the public is of idols... All of the girl groups have sexy concepts with recyclable songs that will be forgotten. The only idol song that has lasted for a few months is Hyorin's. Girl's Day and AOA might last two months at the most. Male idols are barely making the headlines, even the godly TVXQ did less than stellar. Even idol fans have to admit that they don't sing idol songs at karaokes since it's boring without any flashy dances. We have more to look forward to with SNSD, Psy, and the female queen Lee Sun Hee.. god as well in the spring.
Anyway, idols need to focus on longevity, songs that are worth remembering.. no tmini-albums that are made purely for instant yet momentary success. I used to look forward to comebacks before but now there's nothing to look forward to because people comeback back to back.

6. [+18, -5] The idol generation is at its end now... Unless you're top names like SNSD or Big Bang, it's impossible to get attention, leading to groups resorting to stripping like we see now. The charts used to be filled with idol songs to the point where it was difficult to find a ballad... but now I finally have a decent variety to choose from on the charts. It's great.

7. [+15, -3] Ballad... It's time for Park Hyo Shin to make his appearance again..

8. [+13, -1] The charts finally seem normal for once

9. [+12, -8] Idol songs are only for the moment. There's nothing to cherish or remember about them later. There are so many songs from the past that I'm still not sick of... you have to admit that idol songs these days are recyclable.

10. [+11, -4] Absolutely hate idol songs
