Got7 holds their debut showcase

Article: Ok Taecyeon expresses jealousy over JYP rookies 'Got7'... why?

Source: E-Today via Nate

1. [+319, -6] Journalist, this picture is YG's rookie group Winner ㅋㅋ Not Got7

2. [+240, -7] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Calling YG's Winner JYP's Got7

3. [+198, -18] They're Winner... Go turn in your letter of resignation tsk tsk.


'JYP Rookie' Got 7, a performance to keep an eye on (Debut Showcase)

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+2,631, -269] Please find strength and resurrect JYP...

2. [+2,420, -131] 2PM used to do things like that in the past... Acrobatics.. looks hard.

3. [+1,965, -213] JYP, let's come back alive please

4. [+1,737, -268] Do well, Got7

5. [+1,446, -216] Definitely something to keep an eye on

6. [+612, -37] The sad part is that JYP artists always have a good start, just that they're never managed after they start doing well...

7. [+572, -40] For once, I want companies to keep new idol debuts a secret for the first year so that they can be judged purely on their skills without any bias

8. [+449, -26] Hopefully JYP helps this gorup last a long time... Unlike Wonder Girls or 2PM, where the public is left to guess on what they're up to now...

9. [+371, -34] JYP groups always end up disappearing into obscurity after a burst of popularity... I wonder how long this group will last..

10. [+187, -25] I really hope they do well... What's going to happen to JYP if they don't.
