Girl's Day performs their 'Something' comeback

Article: 'Comeback' Girl's Day, a sexy punch... 'perfect coming of age'

OSEN via Naver

1. [+870, -107] Always the same damn sexy, sexy, sexy concept. Can't we get anything else?

2. [+720, -72] That dance in the beginning where they grip the floor is seriously weird and embarrassing to watch. The song itself is okay.

3. [+629, -56] The song is good but I think the focus will be on their skin exposure again.

4. [+580, -31] The dance during the intro part is so embarrassing... worse than 'Coming of Age Ceremony'. I think the performance would be better without that part.

5. [+460, -66] They're pretty. Girl's Day would do better without so much skin exposure.

6. [+171, -42] When I first saw them during 'Female President', I thought they sang poorly because the dance was hard... but now I've realized that they're just bad singers.

7. [+169, -41] Minah really tries hard to look sexy;

8. [+140, -14] Feels like they just copied Park Ji Yoon. Choreography has a Sunmi feel, clothes have a SISTAR feel, overall concept has a Park Ji Yoon feel.
