Nicole to open a bakery in Japan?

Article: Japanese weekly magazine claims Nicole will be running a bakery in Japan after leaving KARA

Source: Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+2,115, -108] No matter what you do, it's important to work hard at it. Jealous of Nicole because she seems to work hard at life.

2. [+1,542, -158] Doesn't Nicole's mother run a restaurant? I heard it was really expensive there...

3. [+1,180, -36] Nicole's mom is her anti

4. [+1,214, -112] So all that talk about studying abroad was crap ㅋㅋㅋ She's probably going to spend her time going on vacation

5. [+692, -31] Is Japan reporting all of this after confirming the facts? Originally, Nicole and the agency were going to release the news in December or January after coming to terms on everything but Japan broke the news first, jumping the gun on KARA's disbandment and whatnot. Nicole unni will continue to promote with KARA, just under a different agency. Nicole's mother also ruined the company's image so the agency doesn't really want to hold Nicole back. They said they will be looking for options to have Nicole still promote with KARA while under a different agency.

6. [+289, -65] What's hilarious is that she made all that money in Korea and then goes to Japan to open a bakery ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+205, -38] Remember that time Nicole's mom got greedy and almost made KARA disappear...

8. [+189, -26] Her mom will be her failure

9. [+181, -18] Nicole had a great image until her mom ruined it. She just seems like a Japanese/American to me now.


Article: Nicole to open a bakery in Japan after leaving KARA? DSP says "It's her private matter"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+1,694, -37] A bit random ㅋㅋㅋㅋ...

2. [+1,547, -34] So did she leave the group or not? I thought she was just switching companies

3. [+1,260, -19] She left the group?

4. [+434, -66] As expected of an American/Japanese... Make the money in Korea, make the money in Japan, but go and rest in America... and since her popularity is better in Japan than in Korea, she's thinking of opening a business there now... I hate celebrities like Jay Park or Nicole who act like they're Korean.

5. [+300, -23] She's practically Japanese now. Made all that money in Japan and now opening a business there... but then again, KARA seemed like a group made for Japan anyway.
