Actor Baek Yoon Shik discovered to be dating a journalist 30 years his junior

Article: [Exclusive] Baek Yoon Shik 'dating' a journalist 30 years younger than him

Sports Seoul via Naver

1. [+3,863, -50] Wow, oh my god, 30 years his junior? We've finally hit that 3 number

2. [+3,741, -75] I think this is an appropriate time to use 'shocking' and 'controversial' in the title

3. [+3,167, -54] I'm pretty sure she's around the same age as his daughter in law???

4. [+1,465, -38] Oh.... oh........

5. [+1,081, -23] I'm not even 30 years apart with my parents........

6. [+1,099, -53] I wonder how upset her parents are

7. [+1,066, -29] When he was 40 years old, she was in elementary school. Is it making sense yet?

8. [+768, -16] I thought the article was a new movie plot for a second...
