G-Dragon donates to charity for his birthday

Article: G-Dragon donates $81,800 USD to the Seungil Hope Foundation

OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,431, -33] Like artist, like fans. This is way more meaningful than giving expensive birthday presents.

2. [+1,322, -33] I don't get all the people who complain about donations only being real when they're done without anyone knowing. It's through popular figures like him doing public donations that more people will learn about the cause or charity organization and join in.

3. [+937, -19] It's really great to see celebrities giving back to society.

4. [+802, -19] Celebrities, if you have so much money, stop going overseas and gambling... donate like G-Dragon.

5. [+625, -10] Reprimand his wrongs but praise his rights. Anyone bringing up his marijuana controversy here are just pure antis.
