TV: [Spoilers!!!] Shark

Article: 'Shark' Son Ye Jin and Kim Nam Gil at risk of their affair being revealed, kiss picture shared

Newsen via Nate

1. [+293, -15] Scriptwriter Kim Ji Woo amazed me when I first read this comment by someone else... I'll summarize it here in case anyone missed it~

The scriptwriter is basically saying that everything will come back to the characters. Lee Soo, Hae Woo, and Junyoung have all received hurt and shock from their father and grandfather but they're also hurting themselves as well.

What's happening right now is that everything they said to other people is coming back to happen to them.

Lee Soo said that there's no reason for you to be petty because of other petty people and that affairs are not love because it's cowardly but actually a crime because it hurts others. Junyoung said that you'll lose people if you don't trust them...

Remember Yoshimura's line: "Life is about choices. People live every day making choices that decide their lives. I'm most interested in the choices that people make."

The scriptwriter has it set up so that the words they said in judgment to advise others are happening exactly back to them to see what they themselves will choose in the end. Will Lee Soo go through with the revenge? Will he able to not become a pretty person? Will Hae Woo be able to reject Lee Soo's love? What will she express her love as a married woman?

What will Junyoung do now that he's found out that the father he respects was one of the people who hid the identity of the hit and run? What will he choose when he can no longer trust people?

This drama is not simply about first love, marriage, and affairs... but about one very strong message that connects the trio's past to the present. (TN: I hope this all made sense.......??????????????)

2. [+169, -13] This drama's so addictive ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ The gaze just melts me down ㅠㅠ I can't escape from Kim Nam Gil's charms

3. [+155, -12] Lee Soo will be going into the pits of hell because of Yoshimura ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+28, -3] This drama seriously only feels 10 minutes long... I looked at the clock thinking 30 minutes must have gone by already but it's only been a minute.. This drama's so good because there aren't any singers it.

5. [+24, -1] I feel the most sorry for Lee Soo in this drama... Nobody to trust, doesn't even try to let anyone get close to him. He's lost too much ㅜㅜ
