TV: [Spoilers!!!] Heartless City

Article: [TV Zoom In] 'Heartless City' Choi Moo Sung is a police? Mental breakdown

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+102, -3] I'd say this is one of the better dramas out of the ones broadcasting right now

2. [+71, -3] Everyone's so great at acting, the concentration level is through the roof ㅠㅠ I feel like the Safari (?) ajusshi would've fabricated his ID, especially with the way he laughed at the end! I really wish he did fabricate it!

3. [+88, -2] They wouldn't reveal the undercover identity so easily. The Safari (?) even killed the police. I bet he fabricated his ID knowing that this might've happened. He's an evil guy considering the position he got himself to like that.

4. [+58, -1] At this rate, even Jin Sook nuna would be a police...

5. [+56, -2] I thought it was fabricated ㅡㅡ I don't think you can say he's the police over one small moment. If he's undercover, I don't think he would've revealed himself. They didn't even reveal anything in the previews, I'm dying of curiosity over here ㅠㅠ

6. [+62, -12] Man... This was an amazing drama up until the 9th episode when they started giving the female lead an unnecessary amount of screentime. The plot is lost in the mountains and the amazing professor character is now difficult to understand.. I don't think I'll be watching live. They should've paid more for a female lead who can act better...
