CL denies connections to the Illuminati/Freemason

Article: CL "My album is an Illuminati satanism?" (Interview)

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+162, -23] Her song's Korean but I have no idea what she's saying without subtitles

2. [+171, -34] I think accusing her of satanism is crossing the line but... you have to admit that the song and CL herself are a bit.. weird.. (I'm not talking about her looks). They're both just weird.

3. [+150, -19] I don't think YG's involved with the Illuminati. They're just using Illuminati symbols for the noise marketing effect to make it seem like YG is Freemason for the media play.

4. [+42, -8] Even if they were Illuminati references, I don't think CL or anyone would come out and confirm that. +_+ The album and her stage are both filled with references to it either way.

5. [+24, -6] Yang Hyun Suk is a member of the Freemason. The sheep's head is a symbol of Satan aka Lucifer. Lee Soo Man is a Freemason too because f(x)'s Electric Shock album had a picture of them all wearing a sheep's head mask that only showed one eye. CL might've not known all this herself since Yang Hyun Suk is the one directing her album. She's probably brainwashed by him without knowing it.

6. [+23, -4] She's lying about how they're all just symbols that she personally likes. 1991, the sheep, and the queen bee all have nothing in common with each other.

7. [+20, -8] She's definitely not satanism, more like tryhardism

8. [+10, -2] She's never going to admit or confirm any of it ㅋㅋㅋ SM and YG are heavily involved as two of the biggest entertainment companies in our country. They always include references to the triangle and the single eye in their music video and song concepts. They'll do anything, even sign into a contract with the devil, for success.
