TV: [Spoilers!!!] When a Man Loves

Reader request.


Article: 'When a Man Loves' Chae Jung Ahn, yoga beauty's unique phone answering skills

Newsen via Nate

1. [+76, -11] I really don't know why they add so many unnecessary yoga scenes. She can't act, what is her purpose in the drama? This drama has way too many yoga and pilates scenes.

2. [+68, -4] Can't they give her anything else? All she does is... work and pick up the phone.. make some coffee at home and pick up the phone~

3. [+57, -5] Yoga fire


Article: Shin Se Kyung 'When a Man Loves' wedding dress, "I was so hungry"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+169, -55] Shin Se Kyung's by no means a horrible actress.. it's just that the roles she gets are all similar. Just looking at her face... is frustrating.

2. [+224, -158] Am I the only one that doesn't get how she's a celebrity? She's really ugly for a celebrity.. and she's only gotten uglier after getting more work done. Her facial expressions are so frustrating..

3. [+52, -7] Shin Se Kyung's real personality seemed really bright and outgoing... it's just that all of the characters she chooses are depressing. I hope she'll go for an outgoing character next time. She's still young, why does she stick to depressing characters ㅡㅡ;


Article: 'When a Man Loves' Shin Se Kyung's car accident, will she forget Yeon Woo Jin through amnesia?

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+141, -5] Amnesia ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Isn't that so overplayed ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+128, -3] The three main themes of Korean dramas: affairs, secret births, amnesia/incurable disease

3. [+117, -9] There are three ways the story could possibly go with this car accident. First: She forgets Yeon Woo Jin and begins to like Song Seung Hun before finally remembering Yeon Woo Jin. Second: She pretends she has amnesia and then gets revenge on SSH. Third: She pretends she has amnesia to get revenge on Song Seung Hun but finds out that it was Chang Hee that hit her and then teams up with YWJ to get revenge on Chang Hee. Whichever way the drama goes, it's a makjang.


'When a Man Loves' Why did Kim Sung Oh harm Shin Se Kyung 'suspicious'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+103, -4] Kim Sung Oh's a great actor

2. [+82, -5] His eyes are so charming. The shape of his eyes are sharp and intimidating but because of the color of his eyes, he gives the feel of both a wild beast with some innocent glimmer.. I hope to see more of him on TV and movies~

3. [+84, -7] He harmed he needed to turn her into one of three conditions (amnesia, vegetable, aphasia) in order to keep the drama in line with the three makjang themes of Korean dramas.
