Shin Se Kyung injures her eye on 'When a Man Loves'

Article: Shin Se Kyung injures eye during 'When a Man Loves' filming after being hit by a lumber

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+534, -34] It's kind of serious for an actress to bruise her eye ㅡ m

2. [+527, -72] Every single time I watch this, all I can think about is how crappy Shin Se Kyung is at acting

3. [+489, -51] I can't stand this drama anymore because Shin Se Kyung sucks

4. [+437, -51] The gods are calling for it, guys... Change the leading role.

5. [+337, -18] I never had an opinion on Shin se Kyung until this drama... total miscast. I'm really only trucking through the drama for Song Seung Hun. She makes it so hard to invest yourself emotionally in the drama.. Who cast her? Whoever did deserves a ㅗ
