Police criticized for waiting an hour and watching during a sexual assault

Article: "It didn't look like there was force" police watched a sexual assault for an hour

Source: No Cut News via Nate

A 25 year old man called in/hired a sports masseuse to his home. The massage parlor's driver who drove her there later called the police when he couldn't get in contact with her 10 minutes after she had entered his home.

Police watched the two having sex from outside the window for over an hour because it looked consensual and it wasn't until the woman came out and said that she was sexually assaulted that they went in and arrested the man. As it turned out, he had threatened her with a knife, sexually assaulted her, and stole $29 from her in cash.

The man has a history of sexually assaulting a minor as well as a sexual assault attempt four years after that.


1. [+840, -185] If they look like they're having consensual sex, I can understand why the police would be hesitant to go in. I bet the police would still be criticized for picking the lock and going in even if the sex really was consensual.

The police obviously would've went in if the woman was crying and resisting and the man was using violence but they already knew that she was a masseuse and if the sex looked consensual, isn't it normal to sit back and wait it out?

It's just that it ended up being sexual assault, but I don't think what the police did was deserving of criticism.

2. [+704, -114] Just the fact that she's a masseuse alone is reason enough for them to be hesitant... and I don't think they would've just waited and done nothing if it truly looked like sexual assault. I don't think the police deserve criticism here.

3. [+712, -127] The way I see it, considering that she was a masseuse, she was just doing her job like she normally does until she found the police waiting outside when she was done so she lied about being sexually assaulted in case she'd be arrested for prostitution.

4. [+55, -5] This is 100% sexual assault. The way the masseuse thing works is that a man will order one of the girls, she'll come an hour later, and if the man likes what he ordered, the woman will call her boss and give him the okay. Obviously since the boss never got the call from her, he went ahead and reported it to the police while the woman tried to play him off, which to the police doesn't look like the rape they're used to seeing. The woman's probably been through a lot working in the industry so she's not going to react the way a normal rape victim would because she probably knew that complying with him and reaching a compromise is better for her financially in the end.

5. [+37, -10] It's also weird that the police just waited around until they were done when prostitution itself is also illegal...

6. [+16, -8] Who in their right mind would resist when someone is shoving a knife in their face and threatening them? I can see why the woman tried to play it off naturally... the police should've acted immediately after receiving the report. That's what a report is for!

7. [+11, -5] Who would think of a masseuse prostitute having sex with her client as a sexual crime? Unless she was crying and resisting of course ㅋ She should be glad that she wasn't arrested for prostitution;;;
