Hyosung and Sunhwa show their bare faces

Article: SECRET bares their face, no make up "We're a girl group"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+194, -33] Sunhwa's plastic surgery really came out naturally and nice, she doesn't look like a monster at all

2. [+128, -20] Hyosung's nose changes with her make up ㅋㅋ

3. [+107, -25] How can Hyosung's nose do that

4. [+44, -1] For a group from a smaller company, SECRET really did grow up a lot... They got on the rise through Magic before making a hit with Madonna and then Hyosung shot to fame, which brought Shy Boy into the daebak tier... Jieun's solo song hit daebak, Starlight Moonlight hit daebak, Love is MOVE did okay before the Soshi/Wonder Girls comenback rush.. Considering all things, they're really a well rounded group. I hope Girl's Day learns a few things from them.

5. [+27, -5] Hyosung honestly has too average of a face to be called an idol ㅋㅋ She'd be someone you see on the streets in real life
