'Dad!' children revealed to have been meeting with child psychologists since the start of the show

Article: 'Dad' children prepare for session with child psychologist

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+883, -13] It makes you realize just how much the producers care for these children when you see child psychologists follow the show.

2. [+679, -14] A lot of people suspected that child psychologists were involved when so many viewers were worried over the health of the children at the start of the show. You can really tell the producers are doing the best for these children...

3. [+600, -27] I remember seeing Yoon Hoo in real life and he was walking around with his head down low... I can't imagine the stress for such a young kid to be recognized by so many people all the time

4. [+353, -8] This program is not in it for the viewer ratings but really for the children involved

5. [+178, -6] If a child ever cannot take it or changes as a result of it, they should just let the child go off the show. I don't want to see these children hurt through the greed of the broadcast, public, and their parents.
