TV: [Spoilers!!!] Nine

Article: 'Nine' Lee Jin Wook travels back in time to the moment of death, saves himself in the past

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+203, -4] This drama really knows how to choke your heart with the tension. I really don't know how they manage to jam pack each episode with such tension filled moments. If this drama had aired at 10 p.m. on a public broadcast, there's no doubt in my mind that it would've hit ultra daebak. Anyone that watches the drama will know that urge to talk about the drama all day long but there's no around you to talk about it with ㅠㅠ

2. [+138, -4] No need for any words... Utter goose bumps at the very end... What's going to happen next week.. Thanks for showing us the preview anyway.

3. [+115, -3] Choi Jin Chul you ba$tard~~~ How are we to wait until next week.. ㅠ

4. [+62, -2] Finally an article about Nine is #1 in the rankings!! Congrats ^^ This drama would've all killed the public broadcast dramas and secured a place for the Best Drama award of the year had it aired on public broadcast ㅎㅎ I swear, if I knew anyone around me who watched the drama, I'd talk about it all night long with them ㅎㅎ Nine fighting!!! And to all our Nine fans, let's help out and comment more in the articles! So nice to see a Nine article in the rankings.

5. [+58, -1] I started the drama thinking I could guess everything that would happen but I was wrong each and every time. After a while, I just stopped and let myself fall to the imagination of the scriptwriter.

6. [+38, -1] Is this a drama or a movie? ㅠㅠ
