SECRET's Zinger changes her name to Jung Hana

Article: SECRET Zinger changes her name, to promote with her real name Jung Hana

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+241, -2] Good. I've never really seen her face but whenever I heard her name, I was always reminded of the KFC zinger burger so she always made me hungry. Good decision.

2. [+121, -3] Her real name is way prettier...

3. [+100, -4] Why did she use a weird nickname all along when she has such a pretty name? I bet she would have even more popularity by now if she used her real name.

4. [+18, -2] Honestly, what kind of a nickname is Zinger~ Makes me hungry

5. [+13, -2] About time...
Jun Hyosung, Song Jieun, Han Sunhwa, Zinger
Jun Hyosung, Song Jieun, Han Sunhwa, Jung Hana

6. [+13, -3] For some reason, she always looks way older than her age. She looks like she's 36.

7. [+11, -2] Good decision. I was always reminded of the hamburger whenever I heard Zinger.

8. [+9, -2] Way better
