[Pann] Top 25 most popular male idol groups in Germany

Pann: Top 25 most popular male idol groups in Germany

"Europe prioritizes talent over looks. Big Bang, well, is expected. Surprised to see B.A.P. have a bigger fandom than Super Junior when they're just rookies. The poll is a result of a survey held by a trustable portal site."

1. [+126, -71] Lost trust in the list after seeing B.A.P. in 2nd

2. [+92, -25] Thinking that just because a group isn't popular in Korea so they won't be popular overseas is just proving that you're nothing but a frog living in a pond

3. [+88, -51] B.A.P.'s popularity is limited because they only do well when they come out with a powerful concept, otherwise the song isn't popular...

4. [+32, -9] I agree with Big Bang ㅋㅋ But why is INFINITE and B2ST up so high ㅋㅋ I'd rather Block B and MBLAQ

5. [+28, -4] Do people seriously not know?? B.A.P. has been ranked at the top for 14 months and even got articles out of it. Don't think that foreigners view our groups the same way Koreans do. ㅋㅋㅋ I live in Argentina and my friend is addicted to B.A.P.

6. [+26, -4] B.A.P. is more popular in Germany than any other country. 'Power' was in the top 10 for over a year.

7. [+23, -6] Yup, B.A.P.'s popular in Germany

8. [+22, -0] well, I guess your popularity in Korea isn't an indication of your popularity overseas

9. [+19, -3] Being popular overseas is better than being popular in Korea because Korea's digital songs are a few dozen cents but overseas, they're a couple bucks. You make more money outside of Korea.
