Netizens notice an increase in Japanese drama remakes

Article: Another original Japanese drama.. worry vs support divided

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

Article talks about the increase in remakes of Japanese dramas. Presents two sides: "A remake is nothing but a remake. The scriptwriters are losing their creativity" vs "A remake can be another creation in itself if we put our own twist on it".

1. [+549, -6] Make more dramas like the Deep-Rooted Tree

2. [+522, -6] As if our scriptwriters had any creativity to begin with. It's always about affairs and affairs and more secret half siblings and other secret half siblings.. ㅋ

3. [+458, -9] Japanese dramas definitely have a more variety of genres... After a while, Korean dramas started all becoming the same

4. [+413, -5] Koreans are good at making makjang dramas...

5. [+387, -25] No matter how good they produce an American or Japanese drama, no country can live up to our morning dramas. That refreshing feeling you get when you see a character slap a bad character ㅋㅋ

6. [+319, -4] Can't they make more dramas based off of Korean novels like Deep-Rooted Tree and The Moon That Embraces the Sun?

7. [+309, -7] While Korean dramas are filled with nothing but makjang, Japanese dramas have a variety of plots and genres. It might be a cultural difference, but I think they're definitely ahead when it comes to creativity.

8. [+297, -3] We need to step away from the romance genre a bit. As long as it's got a fun plot like The Chaser or the Deep-Rooted Tree, viewers will watch even if it doesn't have romance. Koreans need to risk making a drama without romance so that they can have room for other genres and ideas. I'm so tired of Korean dramas centered around romance and secret births...

9. [+242, -7] Aren't all Korean dramas the same? 1. Male lead is the son of a wealthy family
2. Female lead is a loser
3. Female lead has a secret about her birth
4. Affair
5. Makjang

10. [+121, -2] The thing about Japanese dramas is that they don't insert romance unless it's a romance drama. Korean dramas have love stories no matter what the plot or genre, which pisses me off! Korea can stop remaking Japanese dramas and just take out all the unnecessary love stories like last year's Golden Time.
