Man develops 'bully bell' in hopes of preventing school violence

Article: 'Ding dong ding dong' Bully bell hopes to 'STOP' school violence

Source: Yonhap News via Naver

A 53 year old businessman Lee has developed a 'bully bell' as a response to the increase in school violence and out of concern for his own kids. Scheduled to be released in the second half of the year, the 'button' will directly connect the child to his parents, teachers, and the police with just one push in the case of danger. The button will text a message of help along with the child's location using the built in GPS tracker.  
Lee said, "There are areas of the school where CCTVs cannot reach and I felt that such a device was needed to prevent school violence."  
Lee has produced these buttons out of his own pocket and plans to hand them out for free to any student who feels he needs one.  
The button is the size of a car key and can be attached to a belt. 

1. [+767, -36] I think the only solution is to take all of the bullies, beat them to a pulp, and throw them to the police

2. [+713, -87] I feel like the kids will just use it for pranks..

3. [+542, -10] But I think once other students find out that a student is carrying a bully bell, he'll be made fun of even worse

4. [+524, -16] Now bullies will check the belts first ㅠ If he doesn't have a bully bell, he'll get beat up, and if he does have one, he'll get beat up even harder

5. [+550, -170] I think all of you calling this a useless idea are even more useless. What have you done to end school violence? That's right.

6. [+390 -33] Korea is seriously the best when it comes to thinking up ideas that only work on paper. The device will only be used for pranks.

7. [+293, -28] He's doing a great deed... I hope he can incite some change.

8. [+258, -4] The only way to end school violence is to harshen the consequences for bullies. You can't punish bullies as children when they've driven classmates to suicide. No probation, just throw them in jail.

9. [+231, -42] The root of the problem is the teachers. They're biased towards certain students as long as their parents hand over envelopes of cash.

10. [+167, -2] While it sounds good on paper, I think it'll need to be tested to see if it's actually useful. It's still good to see that someone is out there actively fighting for these kids.
