'WGM4' screws up again with rumors of Kwanghee and Sunhwa's exit

Article: 'WGM4' Kwanghee-Sunhwa to leave the show, for real or not?

Source: OSEN via Nate

Article that talks about how rumors are spreading that Kwanghee and Sunhwa have already agreed with producers to leave the show, with their last recording scheduled to take place next week. The producers themselves have come out to say that the rumors are unfounded, but nobody is believing them because whenever rumors about a couple leaving the show come out, they turn out to be true.

1. [+100, -12] No, what are they thinking? This is the only couple that's the most fun and decent enough to watch. WGM is absolute fail if they let this couple go, it's basically like digging their own grave. If they want to maintain their viewer ratings, just leave this couple alone.

2. [+78, -11] Kwanghee and Sunhwa are the ones that are keeping the viewer ratings afloat ㅋㅋㅋ They make the viewers feel like they're having fun with them ㅎㅎ

3. [+72, -21] Kwanghee and Sunhwa have done wonders for this show... They started off with 4% viewer ratings because they came in right after the strike... but it was through their first meeting that they brought in all the netizens who stopped caring about the show. It's so stupid how the show keeps adding new couples that no one cares about and cutting the footage time of the actual couple that is keeping the show above water. If it's true that they're leaving the show, then I guess I should thank the producers for cutting my interest in the show completely ^^

4. [+14, -1] The good thing about this couple is that no one cares whether they're dating or not. It's like you're just watching a sitcom.

5. [+12, -1] But I'm watching this show because of this couple
