Former Dal Shabet member Viki climbs far (far.. far.. far..) up her family tree for media play

My head hurts just trying to figure out her family tree so don't ask me about it, I don't know either T_T. Btw, she's currently a weather caster.


Article: Former Dal Shabet member Viki revealed to be the the niece granddaughter of SK honorary president Son Gil Seung

Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+108, -3] So is she saying that's how she landed her new gig or what? But what's more important here is that no one cares...

2. [+107, -4] She could put down the biggest names in the industry as her network and no one will care at all;;

3. [+100, -14] What's it matter whose granddaughter she is?


Article: Former Dal Shabet member Viki revealed to be the the niece granddaughter of SK honorary president Son Gil Seung

Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+159, -17] To lay it out for you, she's the granddaughter of the son of the SK president's cousin. Basically, they're practically strangers on the family tree.

2. [+108, -5] Not a niece, not a granddaughter, but a niece granddaughter ㅡㅡ

3. [+64, -6] Who cares if she's his granddaughter, this still isn't getting her any comments


"Anyone who knows their grandfather's cousin's granddaughter is allowed to throw rocks at me."

"Well, going by that route, every person in Korea could be considered her family member then ㅋㅋㅋ"

"Raise your hand if you even know who your grandfather's cousin is.........."

"She's just embarrassing herself pathetically by trying to use him to get her name out there ㅋㅋㅋㅋ"
