Celebrities spotted providing sexual services to high-ranking officials

Article: Witness says "There were celebrities".... Sexual services provided to high-ranking officials

Source: Herald News via Nate

A number of high-ranking officials in public service, banking/finance, medicine, etc were reported to have received sexual services from models, actresses, and other celebrities. Video recordings were found, which police are investigating.

1. [+603, -10] If police are included in that list of 'high-ranking officials', then investigations will end here.

2. [+432, -10] The taste of money

3. [+438, -47] Most of the celebrities who have been on hiatus and suddenly come out with a sexy pictorial are the types to participate in this sort of stuff....!

4. [+84, -4] Nothing shocking about this... Celebrities came out of gisaengs anyway.

5. [+76, -0] You'd think it'd only be female celebrities but there are more males as well who do this stuff

6. [+67, -1] The funny thing is that everyone calls the celebrity industry dirty but they always think that their own favorite celebrity would never do something like this ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+54, -1] Celebrities are just glorified prostitutes

8. [+45, -1] Not all that surprising

9. [+43, -2] So many Jang Ja Yeons in our country and not one person paying the consequences...

10. [+41, -1] So leaders of this country are using their money and power to basically run a sex trade... I doubt they'll investigate this thoroughly.

11. [+37, -2] The industry has always been dirty. Officials of broadcasting channels are all connected to high ranking officials. That official can say one thing and completely end a celebrity's career. How could they not go to these events?

12. [+33, -4] The idol singers that kids are so crazed over all have to make their rounds with adults like these before they can have a debut stage or a comeback stage. And yet the kids don't know a thing and run around calling them goddesses. The officials must be so happy considering that girl groups these days are just hordes of skinny, pretty young girls. They can have their pick.

13. [+29, -1] I can hear the Netizen CSI getting busy

14. [+27, -1] I've been noticing so many celebrities getting that extra push that they wouldn't otherwise have... So were they all a part of that event then?

15. [+26, -5] I doubt the MOGEF will do anything about it
