Busker Busker returns to the charts in time for spring

Article: Busker Busker 'Cherry Blossom Ending' returns to the charts with the spring breeze

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+174, -3] Whenever this song starts playing, my heart just begins to flutter

2. [+154, -3] Truly a 'myung' album... When are you men making a comeback?

3. [+153, -3] So I wasn't the only one looking for this song again...

4. [+131, -3] 'Cherry Blossom Ending' is a song that I can picture myself introducing to my grandkids, saying, "This was what our springs felt like back in the day.."

5. [+101, -3] The album will return to the charts for many years to come because you never get sick of it.

6. [+78, -3] This song is an example showing that true music will be sought after no matter how much time passes

7. [+74, -3] I'm quite amazed that there is still a song that people look for time after time in a music industry that uses up and throws away songs like tissue. This used to be the norm back then. The fact that this song is back on the charts is such a meaningful thing for the industry, and hopefully will show composers that they don't have to make songs that people listen to once and forget.

8. [+66, -3] True music is never a trend

9. [+64, -4] This is way better than cheap idol songs that have no longevity take over the charts for a month or two.

10. [+52, -2] Just reading the comments here, I can already hear the song in my head and cherry blossoms fluttering before my eyes
