Boyish girl group GI reveals member pictures

Article: Boyish girl group GI, member pictures revealed! 'It's not a co-ed group?'

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+113, -37] "Unlike the cute and sexy girl groups who seem to debut weekly, GI will have a completely different concept, music, and style to set them apart from the rest. Please look forward to it." Isn't this basically 2NE1 -_-

2. [+70, -9] I thought this was about Song Jong Guk's daughter Jia for a second -_-... Yoon Hoo: Jia-ya~~

3. [+21, -4] Boyish concepts will never work in Korea. For a while, it was trendy to have a boyish member in each girl group but they always came out last in popularity polls. The main fanbase for girl groups are 20-30 uncle fans so you'll never make money putting out a group of boyish looking girls

4. [+11, -4] Are they lesbians? ㅋㅋ

5. [+9, -0] I don't know who they'd target with a concept like this.... female high school students? -_-;;

6. [+7, -0] Fu*k, just go back home and study ㅋㅋ
