YG shoots Lee Hi in the foot

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Hi's comeback album to be released on March 1st 'a distinguished album release'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+226, -12] What's up with her heels

2. [+231, -96] I remember watching her on Inkigayo and her live was pretty unstable..

3. [+166, -48] Distinguished? ㅋㅋ

4. [+40, -9] Honestly, her live is still really unstable.. She needs more practice.. Yeah, she's really talented but she's not that great at showing it off the album. I remember her voice cracking a few times too..

5. [+39, -8] ㅋㅋㅋ I can get YG going around calling his artists the best but now he's using media play to call their own album 'distinguished' ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+35, -3] I really love Hi unni but... her live is so unstable and her high notes are so shaky ㅜㅜㅜ And her heels are way too high, make up way too thick... Ehh..

7. [+32, -6] This is hilarious, they're using media play to praise up their own album to the high heavens ㅋㅋㅋ Just because you guys call it a 'distinguished' album doesn't mean it's 'distinguished' a month before its release yet.

8. [+30, -11] Nice media play. Let's be honest here, her face is nothing to look at and her skills have never lived up to the hype in her media play.

9. [+26, -2] Sorry YG, you're not the one that gets to decide what makes an album distinguished.

10. [+19, -1] Whatever the hell happened to YG saying 2NE1's going to release a new song every three weeks??

11. [+13, -2] Shut the fu*k up with the media play. An album is made to be listened to and judged by the public, how cocky and arrogant of you to be calling it a distinguished album before anyone else has even listened to it yet? There are only a handful of singers in our country whose songs are regarded as such high status and you dare to go around calling an entire album by some kid reeking of rookieness as 'distinguished'?
