TV: [Spoilers!!!] Yawang

Article: 'Yawang' Kwon Sang Woo breaks down after losing his daughter... viewers cry with him over his fatherly love

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+426, -23] Maybe because I'm also a married man and a father now, but his crying really touched my heart ㅜㅜ If only Yunho didn't break the mood... Really embarrassing.

2. [+290, -9] Kwon Sang Woo is such a great actor ㅠㅠ I cried with him during the scene... Let's start our revenge against Joo Da Hae now

3. [+255, -4] Is Baek Do Hoon some magician??? How can he go from Busan to Seoul so fast... He's faster than an airplane ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: 'Yawang' Cha Hwa Yeon finds out about the truth of Soo Ae

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+221, -12] The mind she lost in 'I Miss You' still hasn't returned

2. [+126, -2] All she needs to do is keep Dokyung and Dohoon reigned in while threatening Joo Da Hae... Then something big will happen since she seems like an important character for the plot. Although she'll probably end up getting killed by Joo Da Hae in the end anyway.

3. [+86, -5] Go home and tell everyone the truth!! Don't think of doing anything else ㅠㅠ


Article: 'Yawang' Kwon Sang Woo breaks down after losing daughter Park Min Ha due to Soo Ae's negligence

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+411, -20] Why the fu*k would she leave a child alone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ And did Jung Yunho teleport from Busan to Seoul or something ㅋㅋㅋ How is he faster than a damn plane ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ah, dammit ㅡㅡ

2. [+383, -17] Kwon Sang Woo's acting is daebak.. I cried so hard ㅜㅜ The plot is moving so fast but it's so fun ㅜㅜ

3. [+346, -19] Haryu is seriously awesomeㅠㅠ


Article: Soo Ae cut off from CF deals due to her drama character? "Unfounded rumors"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+172, -15] People like Kim Tae Hee and Go So Young are just CF stars who never managed to overcome their crappy acting. Every movie they've starred in failed and the only focus on their TV dramas are what bags they carried and what brand of clothing they wore. They were never able to bring out the charms of any of their characters. Soo Ae, on the other hand... She isn't someone that would give a crap over losing a few CFs for the sake of her character.

2. [+171, -23] She's gorgeous and a great actress so why are people so quick to try and bring her down ㅡㅡ People really hate seeing other people do better than them

3. [+78, -7] Whether or not she's been cut from CFs is true, she probably knew the risks going into this drama and choosing the character she did. Actresses who rely on CFs for their careers never end up showing anything new or different with their characters... Great actresses like Soo Ae probably don't care because they can just make up for it with a different character the next time. Fighting!


hi ruby