SNSD addresses plastic surgery rumors

Article: SNSD talks about plastic surgery "People say our faces have changed..."

Source: Mydaily via Nate

MC Tak Jae Hoon: Your face has changed a bit (in reference to Taeyeon's past photo)

Ha Chun Hwa: Why do you say that as if she's had plastic surgery?

Shindong: Doesn't that frustrate you?

Tiffany: We go to the airport once a week so our pictures are taken at least once a week. Our concepts change a lot, so whenever our hairstyles change or we lose a bit of weight, we're always swept in controversy with people accusing our faces of having changed. Even though our pictures were taken just the week prior...

Tak Jae Hoon: The faces of girls seem to change nearly daily.

Taeyeon: It's surprising what make up can do. SNSD: We don't really pay any mind to the rumors anymore...

Shindong: What makes it especially difficult for me is that I'll get a lot of calls from people saying they're going to get plastic surgery and they want to know where SNSD got their jaw done.


1. [+443, -94] They're pretty, but let's get real... Is there any member that's all natural?

2. [+390, -95] Can we please just admit what's true ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+235, -13] (correcting typo)

4. [+107, -59] We need to get honest here, Hyoyeon definitely looks prettier compared to her debut and Sooyoung has changed to the point where it can't be simply explained by weight loss or make up.

5. [+82, -49] But you guys did get work done
