[Pann] B.A.P's teasers should've been designed by Tumblr i-fans?

Thought this pann was pretty funny especially with all of the kfan/ifan debates that go on in Tumblr.

You can search pretty much any idol group + 텀블러 (tumblr) in Naver and you'll get pages and pages of blog results that repost Tumblr edits.


Pann: B.A.P's teaser photo designs should've just been left to the international fans........

(You can view the edits in the source link)

"I didn't even make these... and I feel proud... ㅋㅋㅋ"

"TS Entertainment, are you reading this?"

"Tumblr users are usually amazing with this stuff, though."

"Some of their music videos look better in the fanmade versions. International fans are amazing."

"I thought the original teasers were some Sudden Attack ads ㅋㅋㅋ These edits are way better."

"Whoa, daebak..."
