SNSD talks a bit about Sooyoung's scandal with Won Bin on radio

Article: SNSD "Sooyoung and Won Bin's dating rumors, Yuri was the most sad"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+201, -33] The antis that spread the rumors and the journalists that picked it up and spread it in the media are both the same. In the end, no one ever apologized to the people actually hurt by the mess. Rumors can kill people. Let's be careful.

2. [+131, -110] But honestly, isn't Sooyoung the victim of this rumor? Sooyoung didn't even do anything but people were making fun of her saying Won Bin doesn't even know who she is, who is Sooyoung, etc...

3. [+140, -29] They're obviously not bringing it up again for the attention. They were probably asked about it on the radio so they replied.
