SISTAR19 releases comeback photos

Article: SISTAR19's bed pictorial for comeback... innocent and sexy

TV Report via Nate

1. [+153, -18] Finally!! SISTAR19 is back!!

2. [+136, -16] Hyorin said she really, really hates wearing shorts but it seems like female idols have no other concept but this. SISTAR has earned a lot of public recognition and have the talent to back it so I think Hyorin deserves to have an album with songs and an outfit concept she feels comfortable with

3. [+105, -7] Oh, I mistook the 19 for meaning... something else..

4. [+22, -9] Honestly, Hyorin and Bora aren't exactly pretty faces. Hyorin covers for that with her vocal talent. Bora, though... I can't stand her rap. Am I the only one? Her voice isn't pleasing to listen to.

5. [+15, -9] Stripping again...?

6. [+15, -7] I like SISTAR but I'm sick of their concepts

7. [+12, -2] I like their songs as well but their concepts are all the same. 365 days a year, they wear a form fitting one piece that hits right underneath their butt cheeks. They have the talent, they don't need gimmicks like this. Their agency is obsessed with skin exposure.


Article: 'Sexy queen' SISTAR19 announces comeback... provocative bed pictorial released

OSEN via Naver

1. [+220, -18] (Explanation of what the 19 means)

2. [+208, -40] Everyone's so obsessed with the sexy concept... Can't they come up with anything fresh?

3. [+188, -24] They sing so well, they don't need to strip down like this. I wonder why they insist.

4. [+192, -31] I used to think SISTAR was a group that wouldn't survive without Hyorin but I've been watching a sitcom lately and Dasom's better than I thought. SISTAR, do well!

5. [+146, -8] When are they going to promote Soyu... She's a good singer

6. [+150, -24] It's so sad how you have to strip like this to stay relevant... Headlining only for anything sexual...

7. [+137, -13] I demand a solo album for Soyu
