Park Bom attends 'Berlin' VIP showing looking back to her normal self

Article: Park Bom is back to her dollish beauty, "Totally different" from a few months ago

Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+349, -66] When I first saw Park Bom in Lee Hyori's MV, she was so pretty I wondered how she could be human. These days, I wonder how she can be human for a different reason.

2. [+191, -35] Addiction to plastic surgery is a real thing. If people knew when to stop and listened to others, it wouldn't be an addiction. People that are addicted will never be satisfied because once their swollen features heal to its natural shape, they get stressed and crave that swollen feeling again. Park Bom is addicted. She was beautiful during their debut.

3. [+151, -12] Seems like her face has swelled down

4. [+40, -5] It's so upsetting... I really hope she at least goes in for counseling. I know fans want to deny this and just slip it under the rug but you owe it to her mental health to make sure she gets the help she needs. She's in a career where you're constantly surrounded by talks of physical beauty and plastic surgery. All you need is one successful surgery to want more whenever you feel stressed from the pressures of the industry to live up to more standards. If you keep saying she's pretty and that she's never had any work done, it doesn't heal the wounds inside of her.

5. [+39, -7] I have to say she's on the level of addiction... Even as a fan, I know it's excessive


[+38, -41] Haters, are you going to be responsible when Park Bom takes her own life because of your words? You'll probably say RIP and act like you've written positive replies all along. Know when you're crossing the line. Don't take out the frustrations of your trashy life in the comments section. Would you still press submit if your friends, family, coworkers, and classmates would be able to read it? You hide behind anonymous faces and treat celebrities like subpar humans. Realize that if someone thinks you are important enough to live in this world, these celebrities that you hate are important people to their friends and families as well.
