Rain to continue the remainder of his service as a celebrity soldier

Article: Singer Rain revealed to be in such deep worries that he lost 7 kg... When will he return from probation?

Source: Starin via Nate

1. [+313, -34] Goddamn media play.. Doesn't he know that it's better to stay quiet, what's wrong with him? He never even applied for a transfer and acted like he did.. He's gotta be the first celebrity to have thrown his career under the bus in the army

2. [+283, -44] Fu*k, just send him to jail

3. [+248, -21] What soldier DOESN'T lose weight from worrying in the army?


Article: Rain to continue as a celebrity soldier... Military reveals, "He will not be transferring"

OSEN via Nate

Military once again released a statement saying they never received a transfer request from Rain so he will not be transferring anywhere and will likely stay as a celebrity soldier after his probation for the remainder of his service.

1. [+192, -15] He tried to lie about submitting a transfer... But the military comes out and says he never did........

2. [+167, -17] Seeing as how the journalists and the media were all over Boom when he came out, I bet journalists will be waiting outside for Rain's discharge and ask him questions about Kim Tae Hee, never once mentioning this scandal...

3. [+150, -14] They said his probation's over ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+32, -6] Why do we keep getting articles about this guy as if he's some top star?? He's nothing but a third rate singer now..
