Kang Ho Dong's 'Moonlight Prince' debuts to a slow start

Article: First episode of 'Moonlight Prince' how did viewers react? "Fresh content"

Source: Star News via Nate

Article that talks about viewers thinking that the 'book talk' idea is a fresh new concept in the variety world.

1. [+321, -83] Changed the channel because it was boring

2. [+240, -39] They tried too hard to be different from other talk shows. Added too many weird things, it just distracts from everything...

3. [+166, -46] I watched for Jung Jae Hyung but it started to get boring towards the middle so I just changed the channel to Strong Heart but I couldn't stand that either so I just went backㅋ

4. [+55, -24] Fresh?! All they talked about was porn or their first sexual appearance. I was watching this with my kids and I was so embarrassed. Why'd they get rid of Win Win? For this? I really hate Strong Heart but this is even worse.

5. [+42, -11] Honestly... it was boring... ㅠㅠ

6. [+42, -17] Too much going on at once. I just changed the channel to Strong Heart.

7. [+40, -14] I anticipated a bit for it but it was boring... I ended up watching Flower Boy Next Door instead.

8. [+36, -19] It was boring. Kang Ho Dong has lost his touch.

9. [+28, -0] The concept was a nice book talk show but the actual content was sexual...

10. [+25, -14] It was a bit hard to watch, but maybe because it was the first episode. I guess it'll get better as the show goes on.


Article: 'Moonlight Prince' Tak Jae Hoon puts Kang Ho Dong in line

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+126, -10] Tak Jae Hoon managed to save the show... At least for the 5% of the time he was on it

2. [+132, -27] There was too much going on at once. I watched a bit of it before changing to Strong Heart. If they continue with this concept, the show will fail for sure.

3. [+89, -14] Why did they get rid of Win Win for this????
