Is SNSD still vying for an American advancement?

Article: Why doesn't SNSD use 'American Advancement'?

Source: OSEN via Naver

Article that talks about how SNSD has stopped labeling their activities as an 'American advancement' but how they're still focusing their activities around the American market.

1. [+73, -7] Because they don't want to end up like the Wonder Girls. They're the top in SM right now, imagine if they went there and failed. That's the end of SM. All of SM's rookies aren't doing so hot right now and the groups they do have are losing their popularity.

2. [+94, -30] I know who this journalist is. She's the one that SM paid for her to fly out to the SM Town LA concert and came back home to write an article titled 'American concert successfully completed'. Which is ridiculous considering that only 2/3 of the tickets were sold so SM had to basically give out free tickets to fill the rest of the seats. She media played that they had completely sold out their American concert. On top of that, The Boys only sold 900 copies in America.... Seriously, I have a lot to say with the way SM runs things in America.

3. [+59, -8] Obviously they don't want to label anything as an American advancement in case they fail. They don't want to end up like the Wonder Girls ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+52, -5] As if anyone would want to advance anymore after seeing what happened to the Wonder Girls. Park Jin Young's the idiot who put the Wonder Girls through hell before eventually burying his own company into the ground.

5. [+48, -5] They probably don't want to end up like the Wonder Girls. They're probably vying for something natural like Psy so even if it doesn't happen, it doesn't affect their image too much.

6. [+47, -5] In case they fail...

7. [+53, -12] The only real world star in our country is Psy. The rest are just people forced by their companies. We haven't had any successes that way either.

8. [+42, -3] I think it's smart that they maintain the popularity they have now instead of trying to gamble with something that doesn't even guarantee yourself success because you might end up like the Wonder Girls.

9. [+63, -28] SNSD focusing on their exports? They don't even have the skills to make an advancement so they're trying to make themselves sound better by saying they're focusing on their exports instead. How about they start talking once they win over Gangbuk Cool Guy.

10. [+31, -0] All of the singers basically postponed their releases knowing SNSD would be coming out in January. Considering that it's winter break for students, it's the best time for digital profit but the market didn't even make half of what it did last year. The digital market is dead.
