Same Old: Hyuna's soju CF is still the buzz

Article: Hyuna's soju CF, 19+ 'spread leg dance'.... interest explodes

E-news via Nate

1. [+164, -89] I feel upset every time I see Hyuna. If she was talented in singing or rapping compared to other idols, she wouldn't be hated on or called cheap... Unfortunately, the background music is louder than her singing and the only thing listeners can hear is her heavy breathing, not the lyrics, because of her sexual, stimulating dances. Her stages are like watching ladies at the sleazy bars you pay to dance for you.

2. [+126, -93] Thought she was filming a CF for a sleazy bar

3. [+94, -10] Considering it's a soju CF, you're supposed to be reminded of a soju but all I have are erotic thoughts... Am I the only one that thinks she's enjoying this?


Article: Hyuna's 19+ soju CF explodes in views... 'What was her spread leg dance like?'

Source: Dailyan via Nate

1. [+328, -106] Is she selling soju or her......embarrasing.

2. [+254, -116] What's she selling???? Soju??? Or her body???

3. [+168, -64] Our country's culture is headed in the wrong direction. Too much of turning sex into a product.
