Election Day: Yoon Eun Hye, Son Dambi/Kim Heechul, Gahi, Lee Hyori (Negative Dump)

Article: Yoon Eun Hye's victory pose voting violations... erases picture "Meaningless habit"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+1,806, -718] The law is kind of ridiculous though because you could take a picture just standing there, no pose or anything, and still be breaking a law because you're creating the number '1' with your straight body ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+1,539, -562] Honestly, she just took the pictures hoping to get more people out there to vote so I don't think the mistake was too bad. The law itself is kind of ridiculous.

3. [+1,245, -709] What do you expect from a girl that asks why soccer is played in the morning. Just be glad she voted ㅡㅡㅋ

4. [+215, -43] There are a lot of idiots here. They specifically said that taking pictures posing with your hands including victory signs or thumbs up is in violation of the voting laws.

5. [+162, -39] Does she have rocks for brains? They said that you couldn't pose like that a million times on TV. At least watch the news once in a while.


Article: Son Dambi and Kim Heechul reveal whereabouts "We voted together"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+333, -62] You can't even call that public service, he's totally just hanging out and fooling around the entire duration of his service. He goes out drinking and plays games... And he still calls himself a Hallyu star... What an embarrassing to true public service workers.

2. [+302, -49] Kim Heechul, just you try to come out on Strong Heart and talk about your discharge, I swear

3. [+36, -10] The Big Star Public Service


Article: Gahi's voting proof shot "Voting for the first time in my life"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+859, -22] How old are you? Why are you voting for the first time NOW?

2. [+747, -32] If she's in her 30s now, it's been at least a decade since she's had voting rights... and it's only her first time voting now? Is she trying to brag about being being stupid? Pathetic

3. [+638, -13] I think she's going to get a lot of hate... Why did she even write that?

4. [+143, -1] Funny how her first time voting ends up getting her hate....

5. [+125, -4] What exactly have you been doing all those years instead of voting......?

Article: Lee Hyori thanks votes in their 20s for the turnout "I'm proud of my 20s friends"

TV Daily via Nate

I don't really understand the response to this article. I think they're implying that she needs to shut up about politics because she's a celebrity and this is not her place?

1. [+609, -217] I really wish Lee Hyori would quit Twitter. She's really acting up.

2. [+189, -46] Lee Hyori.... cut back a little. A celebrity is just a celebrity, nothing more. Don't forget that.

3. [+131, -57] Is she crazy? Who does she think she is? Since when did she start acting like some intelligent woman interested at all in politics?

4. [+125, -32] Yeah, whatever, I voted for Park Geun Hye, and we all know you voted for Moon Jae In you ajumma.

5. [+112, -28] Who does she think she is to say thank you? Stop acting like she's interested in this field at all. Every time she opens her mouth, it's full of bs. 
