2012 MMA: Duble Sidekick, MC Mong

Article: Duble Sidekick wins composer award "We hope to work with MC Mong next year..." tearful confession (MMA)

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+377, -188] It's a shame, especially since I used to love MC Mong's songs

2. [+345, -178] I've been listening to MC Mong songs lately and they're all great ㅠㅠ 'I love u oh thank u', no need to say any more about that song, as well as 'letter to you', 'words more beautiful than love', and 'because I'm a man'... so good ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+303, -150] I don't know much about that MC Mong guy but I do miss his music.
