Same Old: Seungri takes a picture with Ashton Kutcher

Article: Seungri takes a selca with Ashton Kutcher 'excited expression, cute'

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+131, -34] Ashton, be careful of your neck

2. [+129, -40] Seungri's hella ugly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+84, -38] You delinquent, are you trying to use IU's scandal as an opportunity to crawl back out? tsk tsk


Article: Seungri takes a picture with Ashton Kutcher 'shy smile'

X Sports News via Nate

1. [+213, -15] Seungri, now's not the time....

2. [+167, -24] Just go to the army~!!!!!!!

3. [+168, -40] Does he think taking pictures while visiting the sick is a trend?
