Open World CEO pleads for a reduced sentence

Article: 'CEO that sexually abused trainees' admits to crime... 'Asks for a reduced sentence'

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+1,568, -18] The judge that grants him a reduced sentence will be given a thousand years' worth of sins

2. [+1,163, -170] Is he seriously asking for a reduced sentence simply because he considers himself a leader of the Korean entertainment industry... Doesn't that mean he's going to come out and commit those crimes again? He needs to be banned from the industry before more victims are violated...

3. [+1,048, -171] What an absolute load of bull! The fact that he's even asking for a reduced sentence means that he doesn't feel sorry at all!!!!! I was watching a cable show on the Open World victims and the girl was crying while talking about it... I'm sure his lawyer is well aware of the perverted things he did to minors. As if six years isn't enough, he wants a reduced sentence?...
