Hyuna's "Ice Cream" receives attention overseas

Article: Hyuna receives spotlight from 'the guardian' and other foreign media outlets, "Hyuna will continue the success of Psy"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,157, -359] I'm kind of embarrassed...

2. [+883, -244] I don't think she'll ever be acknowledged as a real singer until she can sing live

3. [+665, -503] It's not like Lee Hyori can sing either. She's had back to back sexy concepts and plagiarized all of her songs but people still praise her for being a sexy star so why the double standards with Hyuna? Are you guys just jealous because she's younger and sexier than you?

4. [+85, -94] The best replies are so funny. So you guys think Psy hit worldwide success because he has suchhh gooood vocal talent? It was merely because he had a good performance. It's not that Hyuna looks cheap, it's that you guys are thinking the wrong way.

5. [+83, -43] Why can't Hyuna advance overseas? Maybe foreigners like what you girls are calling cheap. Pity for you because you guys couldn't even look half as sexy in the same clothes. Why are you guys so quick to try and bring down a fellow Korean trying to make it out there. Foreign media outlets are spotlighting our artists and we should be grateful for that, not sitting here bringing them down.
