Girl group rankings, September edition

This is just a direct translation of the Nate Pann post found here. It is the September edition of the popular girl group rankings that previously made its round in the media. 


(No explanation necessary)


Wonder Girls - 2NE1
(World tour level)


SISTAR - KARA - f(x)
(SISTAR blew up in popularity!!)


miss A


Brown Eyed Girls - SECRET
(Nothing much, mid level)


4minute - After School
(On the downfall)


(Bully group that's completely fallen to the pit)


A Pink - Rainbow - Girl's Day
(Still rookies)


Dal Shabet
(the Maginot Line)





1. [+278, -6] nono T-ara is too high, please lower the ranking

2. [+231, -5] This isn't right. The rookies are higher level than T-ara. In character, that is.

3. [+225, -269] Why is 2NE1 up so high? KARA should take their place.
