Netizens dig to find the truth behind Soyeon's car accident

Netizens are being quite the cynics with Soyeon's recent car accident and aren't letting her or Kim Kwang Soo get away with much despite photo evidence surfacing last night. Several posts have emerged since then with a lot of accounts claiming the accident to be "a show" for sympathy.

A hospital employee, presumably a nurse, came forward with an explanation of the neck collar Soyeon's pictured wearing, while another account written by someone hospitalized at the same time as Soyeon describes the situation in detail. As always, this is the internet so believe what you will at your own discretion.


To start things off, this is the article in question with the pictures of Soyeon in the hospital and the car she was in.

Article: [Exclusive] 'Car Accident' T-ara Soyeon, hospitalzed in Seoul with neck collar

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+5,257, -264] I think she was hurt too much... Now that she's injured both physically and emotionally, she should take a break for the rest of her life... I hope that she uses this opportunity to rest well and leave the industry forever..

2. [+4,861, -160] Do you think you're Shin Jung Hwan~~~ You certainly do look sick, so please rest! Please! Forever!

3. [+1,864, -45] Kwang Soo, you can stop now... There's the saying that no one will notice you if you shut your mouth.. What you're doing now isn't good for T-ara, you stupid CEO.


The following is a top Nate Pann post explaining why netizens think Kim Kwang Soo is putting on a show. To summarize, a hospital employee identifies the brace as one used by patients with cervical spine fractures. In the news, however, it was stated clearly that Soyeon had not sustained any injuries. Should she really have a fracture or injury that would call for such a brace, the employee claims that she would not have been placed in that bed, as even the slightest movements would cause intense/severe pain to the point where she would not even be able to lift her arm up to her head like that.

She goes on to claim that normally patients are given blue braces made out of foam-like material, thus concluding that Kim Kwang Soo threw together whatever resources he had to create viable photo evidence in an effort to create sympathy, etc.

Not only that, but another netizen came forward adding to the previous comment by revealing that Soyeon is not even properly wearing the brace as it's merely just placed on her neck. Stock images of models with the brace properly on supposedly show this as proof.

Source: Nate Pann


In another comment, a netizen compares the destruction done to Soyeon's car to Super Junior's 2007 car accident. The amount of damage looks to be similar in pictures, with the only difference being in the injuries sustained by the people in the car.

The full post reads:

"Like another Elf previously stated, if you take a look at Soyeon's car, you can see that the condition of it following the accident is similar to Super Junior's 2007 accident. The members, however, all had glass pieces embedded in their backs along with 200 stitches, while Kyuhyun was in coma for four days with a 30% survival rate. As for Soyeon, as you can read in the news, she did not suffer any injuries visible to the eye.

Not only that, but Soyeon's car hit the guard rail twice, while Super Junior's car only hit it once. And like another commenter pointed out, Soyeon is not wearing her neck brace properly."

Source: Nate Pann 


The following is an account written by someone hospitalized at the same time as Soyeon.


"I am a patient currently hospitalized at the Sunchunhyang University Hospital in Gumi. The reason I'm writing this is because I saw in the news that this accident was being chalked up as something huge and severe, but from what I saw and overheard with the interns and doctors, she has not been injured anywhere. If the accident was as big as the media is claiming, she would've been far too injured to even think of covering her face as shown in the pictures.

The neck collar is worn by everyone that suffers an accident as per hospital policy. She was in the hospital for about 10 minutes before she left. She did not take any painkillers or take any IV treatments. She did not have any place on her body that looked like an injury.

A reporter came in and took a few pictures before she got up and left. Had she really been hurt, she would've been treated by the hospital, but she wasn't treated for anything before she left for Seoul. If she was really hurt, would her company have let reporters come in and take pictures like that?

Source: Nate Pann
