Variety star Jonathan passes Korean history exam in prep for naturalization

Article: Jonathan passes Korean history exam in prep for naturalization "I will study again to take the level 1 exam"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+216, -6] Yoo Seung Joon, you reading this? This person is getting naturalized at the risk of having to be enlisted and you think your local a$$ can run away from it all? Nathanie, fighting

[+64, -3] Wait, he's not Korean? ㅎㅎㅎ I didn't know he was a foreigner ㅋㅋ

[+54, -2] Jonathan, congratulations~

[+21, -3] I'm not surprised at all because he's always been so knowledgeable on varieties about history ㅎㅎ I always assumed he was Korean~

[+6, -1] He's such a cutie

[+5, -1] He deserves to be acknowledged as Korean. I'm always in awe watching him on shows about Korean history. He's so well versed and knowledgeable. He's Korean, period.

[+4, -2] He's so charming

[+4, -1] If 'Real Men' were to ever be revived, he'd be the #1 invite ㅋㅋ

[+3, -1] His mind is so alive, he's the best

[+3, -1] Impressive..!

[+2, -1] I always assumed he was already Korean ㅋ fighting

[+2, -1] I support him. It's too late to fix the issue of our declining birth rate, so perhaps we should focus on accepting immigrants who love our country like him
