Yulhee enjoys pursuing her newfound freedom

Article: Yulhee -> going drinking and hanging out at cafes after giving up custody of children "Doing everything I've wanted to do"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+115, -3] Tsk tsk, I feel bad for her kids

[+106, -6] How can you call yourself a real mother when you give up custody like that.. how could she not take on even one of the three kids? 

- [+22, -3] She has no attachment to the kids, tsk

- [+8, -14] It's usually one parent that takes custody of them all, it's not good for the kids to split them like that. The court usually awards custody to the side that has the financial means to maintain their lifestyle pre-divorce, and sometimes that can be the dad. She shouldn't be criticized because she doesn't want to raise them.

[+87, -2] Choi Minhwan-ssi, I wish you health and happiness with the children. We support you ^^

[+81, -4] I get that there's a story to every side but how can she enjoy going out to drink and party more than her two daughters? Does she not feel sorry to them at all? You really like drinking soju and coffee more than your own kids? 

[+11, -0] Truly amazing of Choi Minhwan for quietly taking custody of the children, taking responsibility, and raising them quietly all this time

[+3, -0] No matter how great your father and grandparents are, the kids will still feel the absence of their mother.. what did they do to deserve this? If she wanted to "do everything" she's wanted to all this time, couldn't she just do it quietly? Must she post about it like this to show off? 

[+2, -0] I just want to know if she's paying child support... she's free to "do everything" she wants, but I hope she hasn't forgotten her responsibilities to her children

[+2, -0] You guys feel bad for her kids? I feel bad for Laboum

[+2, -0] You can totally feel the freedom she feels from her post, and I can now see why she gave up custody like that

[+1, -0] She's just been rotten from the start. Pre-marriage pregnancy, all that drama with her idol group... 
