Ministry of Health and Welfare demands restrictions on smoking scenes in K-dramas

Article: Grabbing a cigarette for no reason... too many smoking scenes in Suzy's drama

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+1,710, -145] So dramas are allowed to feature all those scenes with drinking and fighting but smoking's the one that's not allowed? What a weird thing to fixate on... if you're going to take issue with smoking, then restrict the drinking scenes too

[+678, -27] So it's fine to stab and beat people with an axe, you just can't smoke

[+479, -42] Drugs are fine but not cigarettes... weird standards...

[+324, -11] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's crazy how no one cares about all the drinking scenes in K-dramas

[+132, -21] I'd say cigarettes are pretty tame in our dramas considering there are some with scenes of drugs and whatnot

[+39, -2] As someone who doesn't drink or smoke, I find more issue with all the murder, r*pe, bullying, and violence in dramas and movies than smoking scenes... rarely are crimes born out of someone smoking, but tons of crimes happen out of people drinking. Shouldn't drinking scenes be more regulated than smoking? 

[+33, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Smoking.. well.. it's a personal choice and you're choosing to die all on your own... but drinking???? All those murders that happen out of drunken rage??? Drunk driving???? Come on, what's the real issue here????...

[+34, -3] If you're going to regulate smoking scenes, you better regulate violence too. Way too many scenes with knife fights that reflect our reality of people attacking others with knives too.

[+25, -2] Couples get divorced over alcohol, but I've never seen a couple get divorced over cigarettes
