Song Jieun cries at having to be apart from boyfriend Park We

Article: Song Jieun cries at having to be apart from Park We, "You must really love me, huh?"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate + Nate

[+65, -15] In moderation, please...

[+50, -3] I found them interesting at first, but it just all feels too much lately..

[+49, -7] They both seem in love with the fact that they're in love each other

[+42, -3] Here goes the media drumming up an issue where there is none. Their video is not problematic at all but they specifically cut out clips from it to make it seem so.

[+31, -11] They're doing too much

[+29, -2] I get crying and all but... why would you film yourself crying.. it's so cringe ㅜ

[+22, -12] What's wrong with them

[+10, -2] Sigh

[+9, -2] YouTube makes everything look so... ungenuine

[+4, -0] Sometimes you just do too much. Everything in moderation, please. It's off putting when you can't even seem to control yourself like this.

[+4, -0] Platonic, religious love

[+3, -0] Jieun-ah, you'll regret this when you look back on it later. Wake up.

[+3, -0] In moderation;; what's wrong with you~~;;;;

[+3, -0] I guess I wasn't the only one who thought they were doing too much...

[+2, -0] I love them as a couple and wish them the best but I can't help but feel like they're doing too much for their videos...

[+2, -1] Is this their first relationship or something?
