(G)I-DLE's new song 'Wife' met with bans and controversy over lyrics

Article: "Pick my cherry and eat it, swallow it deep" (G)I-DLE's new song under controversy for s*xual lyrics

Source: Insight + Insight via Instagram

[+992] I've been an IDLE fan since their debut and I'm genuinely pissed. I wish they'd stop with the s*x appeal concepts that don't even fit the members. Honestly, it doesn't even match on Soyeon, and they should've scrapped the whole thing after the twerking dance on 'My Bag.' They have the best vocal harmonization out of all the girl groups in my personal opinion and have an entire spectrum of concepts that opens them up to, so I really wish they'd get back on the right path and start picking out the kind of characteristics that really make them shine like 'Han,' 'Hwa,' 'Oh My God,' Yuqi's solo. We kept encouraging the leader to do whatever she wants and now she's really just doing whatever only she wants...

- [+67] I agree, I really have no idea what Soyeon's direction is anymore.. I left the fandom not too long ago. Minnie was my bias and I still adore her but if this is the direction they're going to keep going down, I don't think I can confidently say I'm proud of them as a fan ㅜㅜ

- [+21] I thought they were okay up till 'Tomboy,' and had high hopes for this new album concept thinking they were going back to 'I Trust' so I was disappointed to see that it was something else. Honestly, I think the group lost a lot of their album vibes after that certain member left... I don't feel like there's anything left to do at this point other than to just wait and trust that they'll get back. 

- [+13] You refreshingly put into words what I was feeling

[+595] Soyeon should just keep these songs for her solos. What a waste of Miyeon's talents...

[+213] Maybe we don't have enough context to understand, but from reading foreigner comments on other communities, it seems cherries and cream cakes have a lot more s*xual innuendo than we're understanding. 

[+173] They're honestly embarrassing our country

[+118] Getting hate is a sign that you're doing great, fighting

- [+265] What are you talking about, this isn't jealousy, it's warranted hate ㅋㅋㅋ

- [+11] ^ So explain to me why having s*xual lyrics is not allowed? I don't get why Koreans get so up in arms whenever lyrics hint at anything s*xual when they go crazy over the songs of Cardi B, The Weekend, Khalid, etc. 

- [+106] Because it doesn't fit the standards of our society ㅋㅋㅋ You seriously can't be putting Korean girl groups up to the same standards as Cardi B and Khalid? 

- [+12] Claiming you're holding them up to our country's standards is just another way of trying to box them in ㅋㅋㅋ I'm not trying to shield Jun Soyeon because I haven't been a fan since 'Nxde' but I think it's people like you that block our country's groups from advancing

[+128] Yeah, the lyrics are spicy... anyone who speaks even a bit of English will know that it goes way beyond most of the songs rated 19+ right now

[+97] This is what IDLE always does. They put out a controversial song and go "oops, we didn't mean it that way" when the public gets critical. They're always playing the "ㅜㅜㅜ uwu we totally mean that"

[+71] Whether the song itself is good or not (I haven't listened to it yet) doesn't matter, the bigger issue is that kids are going to be singing along without understanding what the lyrics mean. Can you imagine chodings singing this? An idol needs to understand their audience and who they're producing for... or you should release it with the 19+ tag right from the start. This is not an issue of "don't listen to it if you don't like it," it goes beyond that. 

[+54] Soyeon wrote crap lyrics for both 'Queencard' and 'Nxde' and tried to pass it off as a criticism of the public. What's the excuse this time? Same public criticism concept?

[+46] I remember a lot of chodings singing along to 'Tomboy' and 'Nxde' so I'm scared that this song is going to catch on with them too. So many of them don't understand the lyrics... why was any of this necessary? Don't they know that bits like this go viral on TikTok and Instagram? 

[+39] Felt like a copy of Cardi B

[+14] They're all adults, what's the issue here...? ㅠ

[+10] Why is Soyeon always the center? Why not give the other members a chance? 
