Sean sets up Korea's first Lou Gehrig's nursing hospital

Article: Sean establishes Korea's first Lou Gehrig nursing hospital after 14 years of running marathons to support charities

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+615] How much cooler than this oppa get...

[+343] Ugh, I wish we could give people like this tax exemptions or some kind of perk.. anything at all. Much respect to him.

[+222] He is an angel sent by God

[+288] He has truly surpassed that of an angel~~ 😍🥰😍🥰😍

[+57] Amazing man. I wish him all the advancements forward. 

[+52] It's incredible, his influence.. much respect

[+59] Wow.. he's done it after all 😍😍😍😍

[+57] Much respect, so proud of him..

[+37] A real.. living angel...

[+44] Respect doesn't even begin to describe what I feel for him

[+22] How does he raise so much money when he hasn't been active as a singer?
- [+15] He's a YG director, still makes a ton of money
- [+24] Both of Jinusean were always rich. Their singing careers were basically a side gig for them. 

[+23] Could he really be an angel? 

[+2] People like him should be the president...
